
Audit Engine

In today’s world, web designers and developers alike rely heavily on third party plug-ins to add features and functions to websites. It’s a cost-effective alternative to custom programming. The most common integrations are image galleries, RECAPTCHA features on forms, contact forms, and third party blog solutions. While this is a popular movement in web development today, it is inherent with risk.

Once the job is done, who’s responsible for reacting to changes made on the part of the third party solution provider? Many of these solutions are either free, or cheap, and the provider is under no obligation to guarantee the solution will be intact indefinitely, nor do they proactively notify developers of pending changes that may break a website. This puts clients in a break-fix scenario wherein the integration breaks first, and then the scramble to address the issue begins.

Red Hawk developed Audit Engine to guarantee customers a proactive, timely response to issues arrising from third party changes.

Audit Engine allows Red Hawk to:

  • Identify specific integrations
  • Crawl websites on a given host server
  • Generate a list of sites and pages reliant on the integrations
  • Initiate immediate action to resolve issues

While this application is currently for internal use only to benefit Red Hawk clientele, we are open to discussing possible partnerships. Please contact us for more information.