Custom Applications for Food Manufacturers

Nearly a Decade of Experience Producing Custom Apps for AdvancePierre Foods

Let us reduce your cost of operation and increase your revenue. We accomplished both for AdvancePierre Foods.
Red Hawk has worked diligently to become specialists for the food manufacturing industry. Take a look at a few of the game-changing applications we’ve produced. When you’re ready to improve your bottom line, we’re ready to be your partner.

Product Guide

On-Demand Product Guide Generator

Product Guide

The application automates the creation of branded, print-ready product guides. Integrated with a marketing asset management system and an ERP containing the manufacturing data through API’s programmed by Red Hawk, content is guaranteed 100% accurate. The application generates print ready PDF’s in a matter of minutes — automating every aspect of the process. We’ve eliminated 125 hours of manual labor, printing, and mailing costs and empowered APF to produce market-specific guides significantly enhancing their sales process.

k12 Meal Configurator

Meal Configurator

The mobile-responsive website includes an application unique to the industry. The application allows foodservice sales representatives to plate APF proteins and create meals that meet USDA Guidelines specified for each age group in a matter of minutes. Visual feedback informs the sales representative when the meal is within the required guidelines. The application removes the burden from the food buyer, significantly enhancing the sales experience. The results are captured and delivered to the prospective buyer via email. This includes dynamically generated product specifications and nutrition fact panels. According to the Nutrition Director for Foodservice at AdvancePierre, the application has become a crucial tool utilized during sales calls.

Meal Configurator

Sales Presentation

Sales Presentation App

Sales Presentation

This powerful sales application is integrated with product data, marketing assets, and Dynamics CRM. Sales representatives use the application to produce menu items and calculate a prospect’s gross annual margin. The presentation app generates a branded, print-ready PDF that includes the menu item, suggested retail price, product spec sheets, and the projected gross annual margin. All aspects of the sales process are captured in Dynamics CRM. AdvancePierre Foods is selling profit.

“It brings everything together in one place where I can quickly put together a compelling sales presentation. It’s helping us stand out in a big way. I’ve already seen a 20% increase in sales.”

— Foodservice Business Development Manager

Automation of Product Specs & NFP’s

Product Specs

The application automates the creation and publishing of product specifications and NFP’s across multiple websites and interactive marketing programs simultaneously, including websites, on-demand product guides, and product spec sheets. What’s on-pack is what’s online everywhere and it’s 100% accurate, ensuring compliance with Federal Guidelines.

Product Specs

Would you like to learn more about cost savings and revenue generating applications?

Let us know when you’d like to hear about the following:
  • Competitive product research and comparison app — expediting RFP responses
  • Price list generator — automating the creation of price lists by category and region
  • Advanced product search engine — significantly improving the website search feature to locate products of interest
  • Recipe generator — easily manage product recipes across multiple websites
  • Training video conversion app — automates the compression and storage of video files significantly reducing Learning Management Software licensing fees
  • Broker portal — providing a single-sign-on solution that is integrated with Active Directory Federated Services (ADFS), allowing remote access to a suite of applications based on the user's role