
Red Hawk's Labs Program

ApplicationRed Hawk routinely invests in special application development projects to explore emerging technology and continually develop and grow intellectual property. The Labs program fosters innovative thinking and satisfies our team's sense of curiosity and desire to constantly evolve.

Knowledge gained is continually leveraged to benefit Red Hawk’s clients. Technology, techniques and source code from lab projects have found their way into unique client applications. In essence, the Labs program allows Red Hawk to proactively innovate on behalf of our customers.

Projects are nominated by internal teams and are subject to a rigorous selection process. Some of the most important criteria includes the following.

  • A project has to be fun for the team.
  • The application must be of potential benefit to the customers and markets we serve.
  • The application must solve a problem in a unique and innovative manner.

While several Labs projects are mentioned on the website, some of the most interesting and potentially disruptive applications are considered intellectual property and are treated as such.

If you would like to learn more about Red Hawk’s Labs program, please contact us and we’ll start a conversation.