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AdvancePierre Foods apfk12.com Mobile Website

AdvancePierre Foods is a leading supplier of value-added protein and handheld convenience products to schools across the US. With government nutrition guidelines for school meals becoming more stringent in recent years, the company needed a way to help its sales reps -- and food service directors -- quickly identify foods with the right nutritional makeup.

The solution from Red Hawk: a new mobile website used mostly by AdvancePierre's reps on sales calls, allowing them to quickly access product specifications and email them to the customer, on-the-spot. Red Hawk integrated the site with AdvancePierre's Ross ERP system, which houses the company's product data. According to Katie Kovar Starck, Nutrition Director for Food Service at AdvancePierre, the mobile site has become a crucial tool used during sales calls.

The desktop version of the website also is integrated with the Ross ERP system, and features an advanced product search, which allows food service directors to easily search for products by grain or meat credits to meet nutritional guidelines.

Red Hawk also developed administrative tools so employees can easily manage the website's recipe library, product categories and other content that appears on the website.

Navigate to http://m.apfk12.com/ using your smart phone for a full demonstration.

  • AdvancePierre 1
  • AdvancePierre 2
  • AdvancePierre 3