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Northern KY Chamber of Commerce Jobs Site

This was not our first rodeo. Red Hawk has a lot experience developing jobs sites for businesses and member organizations alike. This experience was passed along to the Northern Kentucky Chamber of Commerce when developing a custom solution that met their specific needs. Following best-practices for web application design and development, Red Hawk lead the Chamber to a highly successful Jobs site. The portal includes the following features:

  • Chamber Administrators
    • Manage user access
    • Review and approve employer registrations, job listings and resume submissions
  • Employers
    • Manage job posts
    • Download resumes from job applicants
    • Navigate the Chamber talent pool, download resumes
  • Job Seekers
    • Browse job listings by category
    • Post a resume to a specific job posting
    • Post a resume to the talent pool

Red Hawk’s CMS was also integrated into the portal. The Northern Kentucky Chamber is using Red Hawk’s content management system to manage content throughout the Jobs site. This best-in-class CMS is a true software-as-a-service. Learn more about Red Hawk’s SaaS CMS application.

Contact Red Hawk Technologies today to learn more, and the technologies integrated to support the interactive marketing programs.

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