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Reach Magazine Raffle Ticket Purchase Kiosk

When Cincinnati's Reach Magazine was ready to roll out its "Win Marvin's Harley" fundraising raffle, they turned to Red Hawk for a quick-turn technical solution for the self-service purchase of raffle tickets via iPads.

The solution had to be secure, fast and easy for the public to use. And, it had to be portable. Tickets to win a special-edition Cincinnati Bengals Harley-Davidson (to benefit the Marvin Lewis Community Fund) would be sold at a variety of different events throughout Cincinnati.

Red Hawk elected to use a Lilitab enclosure to hold the iPads and provide a place for the credit card to be swiped. To complete the credit card processing and issue of raffle numbers, Red Hawk developed and deployed to the iPads a special harness.

The harness passes the raw credit card data from the iPad swipe to a web page, and then to a server, which relays raw data to third-party payment processor BluePay. Once BluePay has processed the credit card, it notifies the server that the purchase was successful. The server then assigns the appropriate number of raffle numbers purchased, and emails them to the customer. The entire process is completed within seconds.

Because the iPads would be moved around the city and not always physically available to developers, Red Hawk's solution also had the benefit of requiring only an initial load of software to them. Future changes or updates can be done on the server and automatically pushed out to the iPads.

  • Reach Magazine Raffle Ticket Purchase Kiosk