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OSU Customizable Viewbook Application Demo

The Ohio State University, like so many other large educational institutions, offers a wide breadth of Majors, Minors, and Co-curricular programs. The challenge for prospective students has always been narrowing the plethora of options down to areas of primary interest, and then sharing that information with others. Sure, students can browse the website to find this information. They can also contact Admissions and request a multitude of packets based on their interests. But this, of course, is labor intensive on the part of the prospective student, and can be expensive for the University. So… how does one improve the process?

Red Hawk Technologies was provided the opportunity to partner with the OSU Admissions Department to tackle this unique challenge.

The Result — A Web-Based Customized Viewbook Application

In three simple steps, prospective students can now easily generate a viewbook specific to their interests, download a PDF, or request that the PDF be sent to them via email. Simple, elegant, and easy-to-use, this application is being closely tracked by OSU to measure ROI.

Advanced Features

Red Hawk included a content management system behind the scenes. This feature allows The Ohio State University Admissions Department to easily manage content throughout the viewbook application. Tracking and storing information specific to individual requests is also important to the University. Leads are stored in a SQL database and easily downloaded through secure access.