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AdvancePierre Foods Generates Print-Ready Product Guides On-Demand

Six Months to Six Minutes
Red Hawk developed an application that automates the creation of Product Guides. The application is integrated with Marketing Assets and ERP data through API’s programmed by Red Hawk. The application generates print ready PDF’s in a matter of minutes — automating every aspect of the process.

Prior to Automation
Prior to the development of the application, APF personnel invested an average of 125+ hours over a 6 month period to produce a product guide. The manual process began with a CSV exported from the ERP system followed by a manual design and data entry process requiring graphic designers using Adobe InDesign. Once the Product Guide was in-hand, it was subject to an immediate review and revision process to account for changes in product formulations and product availability that took place after the exported data was provided to the design team.

Following Automation
APF Sales Representatives with the proper security clearance can access the application, select a business unit, and generate a print ready, branded product guide. On average, the application requires 5 to 6 minutes to process the data and generate the print ready PDF document.

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