Application Development

Red Hawk Recognized for Innovation at Technology First Leadership Awards

Monday, May 9, 2016

Red Hawk Technologies was recognized as one of four finalists in the category of “Innovative Technology Team,” at the Technology First 2016 Leadership Awards in Dayton, Ohio, on May 5. The category recognizes IT companies or IT departments that have designed and implemented an innovative use of technology.

Red Hawk’s entry was for TalkHawk, its web-based telephony application, developed to address its internal phone service and messaging needs with as much savings as possible over using a service provided by another company. The application has saved the company 96% in monthly phone service fees since its implementation, and is more feature rich than its previous service. TalkHawk will eventually be rolled out as a SaaS product for use by other companies.

Technology First is a Dayton, Ohio-based, regional IT trade association. Its Leadership Awards recognize the contribution of information technology students and professionals ensuring a vibrant Dayton community. Chosen individuals and teams exemplify its values: creating a community to share knowledge, grow business, and explore the future.