Application Development

The Cincinnati Bengals License Fanzooka

Thursday, November 10, 2016

The Bengals have licensed Fanzooka for the 2016 season. They have sponsor-specific templates for their Jungle Vision screens and use Fanzooka to engage fans during pre-game activities, commercial breaks, injury timeouts, and halftime. The Bengals configure and manage multiple programs for each game. The Bud Light My Team Can advertising campaign is just one of many examples. Fans are encouraged to participate during tailgating activities and during the game. The Bengal’s game-day marketing staff take photos using Fanzooka, bypassing the need to post to social media channels. Fans participate directly by contributing photos through Twitter and Instagram. Game-day staff moderate the photos in real time.

“Our fans have been very enthusiastic about sharing their images through Fanzooka,” said Bengals Vice President and Chief Marketing Officer Brian Sells. “It also gives us a great new way to extend some marketing partnerships.”

Game One Results

  • The Bengals had more than 150 photos within the first ten minutes of Fanzooka being displayed.
  • Fanzooka was originally scripted for display four times. The Bengals took advantage of the flexibility provided by Fanzooka and displayed it eight times.
  • By the end of the game, the Bengals had more than 650 pictures and some videos. Support for video content is coming soon!